Department of Botany
The Department of Botany was started as a part of the Department of Biological Science in 1954-55. Pass course in Botany was started in 1961-62 and the department was formally separated from the Department of Zoology in 1984-85. Honours course in Botany was introduced in the department in 1988-89. Since its inception, the department has lived up to its reputation with consistent good results both in honours and general courses. The department organizes frequent excursions to have a comprehensive idea on the floristic composition of different regions of India. It also publishes a wall magazine 'BOTANICA' bi-annually.
The department has an honours laboratory, a general laboratory. A biochemistry laboratory and a teacher's room. The department also possesses a museum, a herbarium, a seminar library, a student's library and maintains three gardens including a medicinal plants garden.