Admission Procedure For UG
A. General Guidelines
1. Selection of candidates for admission is made strictly on the basis of merit / marks.
2. Admission is restricted to 1st year Regular Candidates only. Admission to 2nd year and 3rd year classes from other colleges will not be entertained.
3. a) The percentage of seats reserved in all courses for SC/ST and Physically Handicapped candidates as per W.B. Govt. rules is—
SC Candidates 22%
ST Candidates 6%
OBC-A Candidates 10%
OBC—B Candidates 7%
Physically Handicapped 3%
** Reservation for SC/ ST / OBC is vertical in nature whereas reservation for Physically Handicapped is horizontal in nature
b) The seats reserved for SC / ST / OBC—A / OBC—B candidates and unreserved seats vis-à-vis.
c) Candidates claiming reserved seats have to produce certificates issued by appropriate authority. For S.C. /S.T. /OBC-A / OBC—B candidates a certificate from D.M. / A.D.M. / S.D.O/ M.P./ M.L.A./ ZILLA PARISHAD MEMBER/ ANCHAL PRADHAN / PANCHAYAT PRADHAN/ COUNCILOR/ GAZETTED OFFICER/ COMMISSIONER is essential.
For physically handicapped candidates a certificate from Presidency Surgeon/ Chief Medical Officer of the district is essential
4. The S.C. / S.T/ OBC candidates qualifying for admission against unreserved seats by dint of merit/marks shall be admitted against unreserved seats and they shall not be counted against reserved seats.
5. S.C. / S.T./ OBC candidates may collect Admission Form if they have minimum eligibility for Admission to General Degree Course i.e. passed in H.S. or equivalent Examination.
6. Seats reserved for S.C. / S.T. / OBC candidates are not available, seats will be made open to the students of General Category after obtaining permission from the concerned authority. The S.C./S.T./OBC candidates included in the general merit list should not be counted in the S.C./S.T. /OBC quota.
7. A student with good track record in Games and Sports or proficiency in cultural activities may get consideration as a special case.
8. The Culcutta University has prescribed that “a candidate taking up Honours must have obtained a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate or 40% marks in the subject at the previous qualifying examination”. This rule applies to the S.C./S.T./OBC only.
9. The Calcutta University has prescribed that “a candidate taking up Honours must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate or 55% marks in the subject or related subject if he failed to obtain 50% marks in the aggregate at the previous qualifying examination”.
10. As per C.U. rules, marks obtained in top four subjects shall be considered to ascertain the aggregate marks of a candidate passing the examination under grade system. Also for candidates passing the H.S. (10+2) Examination from W.B. Council of Higher Secondary Education under old system, marks obtained in top four subjects shall be considered to determine their aggregate marks.
11. A candidate who appeared but could not obtain pass marks in a subject at th previous qualifying examination, shall not be allowed to take up that subject in the Degree (Honours) course.
12. As per C.U. Rules, a candidates shall not be allowed to take up the subjects(s) under heading
(A) if he/she had not passed the subject(s) mentioned under the heading
(B) in the previous qualifying examination.
(A) |
(B) |
a) Mathematics |
a) Mathematics |
b) Physics |
b) Physics and Mathematics |
c) Chemistry |
c) Chemistry |
d) Zoology |
d) Zoology or Biology |
e) Botany |
e) Botany or Biology |
f) Environmental Science |
f) Chemistry |
g) Bio-Chemistry |
g) Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biological Sciences |
h) Statistics |
h) Statistics or Mathematics |
i) Electronics |
i) Electronics or Physics and Mathematics |
j) Computer Science |
j) Physics or Statistics and Math |
k) Commerce |
k) Accountancy or Business Economics including Business mathematics or Business Organization or Mathematics or Economics or Statistics. |
A candidate may be allowed to take up Economics as Honors subject provided he / she has passed Mathematics at the previous qualifying examination.
13. There is no provision for teaching Hindi or Music in this college at the Degree level. Hence the students desiring to take up Hindi or Music or any other subject not taught in this college shall not be entertained or considered for selection / admission under any circumstances.
14. All admissions are strictly provisional subject to final scrutiny and acceptance by the appropriate authorities including the Calcutta University by way of issuing of Registration Certificate and Admit Card.
15. The does not accept responsibility for cancellation of admission due to suppression or mis-statement of facts by students at the time of admission. The college shall not be held responsible for cancellation of admission for any reason, whatsoever, by the Calcutta University.
16. At the time of admission all students must have to fill up correctly their Registration Form.
17. BPL Card Holder applicants will get financial assistance at the time of admission and are advised to meet the Principal directly.
18. C.U. Examination: All eligible students have to fill-up their C.U. Examination Form in time, as per the schedule made by the C.U., failing which College authority will not be liable for year loss of the student
19.All eligible students of Part-I / II have to enroll their names in the next higher class (i.e. 2nd Yr. / 3rd Yr.) within one month from the last day of C.U. Examination.
20. Unsuccessful candidates who are willing to appear at next C.U. Examination have to enroll their names as a casual / supplementary candidates within one month from the date of publication of results.
B. Specific Guidelines
Qualification required:
1. For Students coming from West Bengal Board/ Other Board/ University
For admission to B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com course ( General /Honours/ Major) a student is required to pass 10+2 course of W.B. Council of H.S. Education or other boards / Universities in five (5) recognized subjects (full marks not being less than 100 each) of which at least one shall be a language subject.
2. Students coming from other Universities / Boards may, however, be admitted only provisionally at their own risk. They are required to pay a Migration Fee and to furnish the Migration Certificate to the College Office within two months from the date of admission, failing which their provisional admission will be cancelled.
3. Candidates coming from other universities /Boards etc. are therefore, advised to ascertain their eligibility from the Calcutta University before getting themselves admitted here.
Foreign Students:
Foreign Students, including those from Bangladesh, must submit, in advance, Students’ Visa and such other documents as are essentially required under the rules of the Government of India / University of Calcutta.
Documents required for Admission:
1. Original and attested copies of Admit Card and Mark sheet of the last Public Examination.
2. Original and attested copies of Admit Card of Madhyamik or Equivalent Examination as proof of age.
3. Original and attested copies of Certificate from the Competent Authority for the caste of S.C. / S.T. and for Handicapped Candidates.
4. Original Migration Certificate for students migrating from other Boards / University, if available.
5. Three copies of stamp size recent (not before 6 months) photograph of the student.
6. Registration Form duly filled in.
Transfer / Withdrawal / Cancellation of Admission:
A student may apply to the Principal for Transfer / Withdrawal / Cancellation of admission. Such application must be signed both by the student and his / her father/ mother/ legal guardian. Student seeking Transfer/ Withdrawal during mid-session must pay all Annual Charges and Tuition Fees etc. up to the current month and also Transfer fee. They must also obtain a clearance certificate beforehand from the Librarian and also from the Head of the Laboratory-based Departments, if they are science students. At the time of issue of Transfer Certificate, students return his / her Identity Card. In case of cancellation of Admission in the beginning of the session, only Caution Deposits will be refunded.
Some Important Information Regarding Admission:
1. Admission Forms for the above mentioned courses are available from the College Office and from Website (Admission Form).
2. Each Admission Form has a unique no., so photocopy of the admission form will not be entertained. Separate admission form should be used for each subject. Same rule applies in case of downloading the form from the website.
3. The admission Forms, duly filled in, must reach the concerned office on or before the specified dates to be notified. Admission Forms will not be received after the specified dates under any circumstances.
4. List of selected candidates eligible for admission to the above mentioned courses will be published in College Notice Board.
5. No individual communication will be sent to any candidate. Candidates interested in admission will be required to collect all information regarding admission dates, norms, fees etc. from the College Notice Board.
6. The list of Candidates selected for admission will be treated as cancelled as soon as the corresponding last date(s) and time are over.
7. Candidates will have to be present with all original testimonials at the time of admission.
8. Admission for a candidate will be cancelled if any information given by him / her is found to be wrong or suppressed.
9. Re-admission is not a matter of right. Student may be re-admitted subject to the fulfillment of the conditions and approval of the College authority.
Discontinuation of Studies:
A student who wants discontinue studies or remains absent from the college for a long time without applying for withdrawal of names shall be liable to clear all the college dues up to the current month, if she/ he wants to collect any certificate or record from the College on a subsequent date.
Change of Subject:
For any change of subject after admission, student concerned shall have to apply to the Principal in writing within one month from the date of commencement of their classes.