Department of ELECTRONICS - Faculty profile :
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Name : Alak Halder |
Email : alakhalder@gmail.com | |
Contact Number : 9748844180 | |
Department: ELECTRONICS |
Teaching, as I understand, is to enlighten or enrich our knowledge in a systematic way to a better proximity by the proper application of the existing infrastructure. The idea of knowing or explaining the unexplained ones is borne in my mind since from my boyhood. This was really due to my family background which inspires me to try to contribute to the present scientific community. Beside this, I feel a very strong attraction towards the novel teaching profession.
i) Lifetime member in the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE).
ii) Lifetime member in Forum of scientists, engineers & Technologists (FOSET).
Life Fellow Member in The Optical Society of India (OSI).
International Seminar: 02
National Seminar:03
Publication in Journal
1. A Halder, A Das Barman “Improved Performance of Colour Shift Keying using Voronoi Segmentation for Indoor Communication” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer. Vol. 47, no. 6, pp 1407-1413, Jun 2015.
2. Halder, A., Das Barman, A., “Adaptive pre-compensation of LEDs for improved decoding of N-CSK in visible light communication”, OPT. QUANT. ELECTRON. 49(3), 92(1-15),(2017). DOI 10.1007/s11082-017-0928-4
International Conference/Seminar:
1. Halder, A. ; Barman, A.D. “Performance analysis of Doppler shift induced optical filtering and inband crosstalk penalties in intersatellite link optical switching nodes” 5-th International Conference on Computer and Devices for communication (CODEC-2012) 17-19 Dec,2012, Kolkata, India.
2.Halder, A. ; Barman, A.D. “Improved Performance of Colour Shift Keying using Voronoi Segmentation for Indoor Communication” NUSOD 1-4 September 2014, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
3. Halder, A. ; Barman, A.D. “Nonlinear Compensation of LEDs for Improved Performance in CSK Based Indoor Visible Light Communication” 6-th International Conference on Computer and Devices for communication (CODEC-2015) Dec, 2015, Kolkata, India.
4.A. Halder and A. Das Barman, "Adaptive pre-compensation of LEDs for improved decoding of N-CSK in visible light communication," 2016 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2016, pp. 143-144, doi: 10.1109/NUSOD.2016.7547073.
5.Barman, A.D.; Halder, A. Indoor visible light communication with smart lighting technology. In Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XIX; International Society for Optics and Photonics: San Francisco, CA, USA, 2017; Volume 10107, p. 101070W.
6. Halder, A. et. all “Performance Comparison of Colour Shift Keying Modulation with other types in Visible Light Communication.” in International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development (ICETSD’19), March-2019, Kolkata, India
National Conference/Seminar:
1. Halder, A “Impact of Nonlinearity and Nonlinearity Compensation of LEDs to the Performance of CSK Based Indoor VLC.” in a National conference Emerging Frontiers in Materials Science. February-2019, Kolkata, India
2. Halder, A” Design of Ion-Implanted Doping Profile for Determination of Junction Depth in
p-n junction diode” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences. April-2023, West Bengal, India.
Faculty and their profile:
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